Ваш путь к уникальным рекламным предложениям,
потокам траффика и лучшим ценам! Телефон поддержки: 347-897-9077
Паблишеры Рекламодатели
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One of the main aspects of AdsMain business is to ensure that our affiliates send only high quality traffic to our advertiser’s offers. This can be done via huge amount of methods. Here are some of methods used by AdsMain Compliance Department:

— complex 24Metrics FraudShield anti-fraud monitoring
— rigorous affiliate approval process (includes total website analysis,  identity check and phone verification)
— performance indicators control (CR, CTR, agent, conversion time…etc.)

We have «zero tolerance» policy against fraud and want to ensure that every affiliate who send confirmed fraud traffic will be immediately suspended from AdsMain Network.

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